Elm Caden will retain the main protagonist role, however in volume two it will be Rendir Throam's past that has the spotlight pointed at it in the form of flashbacks. That will no doubt be an interesting ride for everyone.
Initially, the main dilemma Caden and his team will face is whether to chase after the Rasas suspected of provoking the Combine-Viskr war, or to hunt down Maber Castigon before he can assassinate any more Imperial Shards.
Some of the characters from the periphery of Steal from the Devil will come into their own, and a few more pivotal characters will be introduced.
We will see the aftermath of the attack on Lophrit, learn a tantalising fragment more of what is happening on Guathelia, and be plunged head first into the explosive fall-out from Operation Seawall.
And everything else is super duper top secret :)
Feel free to post questions in the comments section, and I'll answer those that won't invoke spoilers.
Fear the Deep.