Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Characters are People too — Character School Part 1

As I described in an earlier article, I started writing creatively when I was quite young then had a relatively long break. In order to create the Armada Wars universe I had to dust off my writer's brain and up my game to a whole new level. One of the ways I achieved this was to tackle the problem of characters; chiefly to stop being so lazy when designing them.

I have always been aware of the advice which circulates endlessly on crafting characters, but until recently did not apply it. The difference it has made is indescribably powerful. If I had to explain to other up-and-coming writers how it makes a difference, and why they should take notice, I would have to put it like this:
If your characters are not believable and interesting, your fiction will not be believable or interesting either.
Since I started I have made it known that I am perfectly willing to discuss my process and the lessons I have learned with anyone who wants to know. This article then is the first in a short series intended for newer writers, or those who are struggling to grow their creative muscles.